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Professional Pathway Lighting Installation in Baltimore, MD

Illuminate Your Baltimore Property with OLP's Lighting Solutions

Every December, Baltimore celebrates the anniversary of the Monument Lighting in Mount Vernon Place. This beloved commemorative event is full of food, caroling, and fireworks. If you’ve ever thought you’d love for your property to inspire the same kind of festive fun, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore is here to help with various types of outdoor lighting solutions, including pathway lighting, security lighting, and safety lighting.

Often, these fixtures are interchangeable, but they also work as separate products to solve specific exterior lighting challenges. Our Baltimore lighting designers partner with you to understand your situation so that we can recommend path lights that work best for your property and budget. You’ll get durable, high-quality products and meticulous walkway lighting installation and repairs when you trust us.

Call(410) 346-9443 for more information about our path lights services, installation, and repairs.

What Voltage is Walkway & Safety Lighting?

Walkway lighting is typically low voltage, enhancing the beauty of gardens, residential and commercial walkways, and patios. 12 volts of energy is the average voltage we use for safety lighting in Baltimore to create the perfect ambiance that makes passersby stop and marvel.

Plus, this amount of voltage can:

  • Protect you and plant light against shocks
  • Be less expensive to install
  • Live longer than higher voltage lighting
  • Allow for more versatility and creativity

Safety lighting installation is easy with OLP on your side. We’ll have an initial consultation with you to learn more about your needs and recommend available products. Once your selection is made, we’ll visit your property to get a feel for the layout before installation day.

Maximizing Visibility with Proper Pathway Lighting Techniques

Our designers are with you every step of the way during your security lighting installation to ensure you’re getting adequate lighting for your property. How do we do this? We double-check that your lighting is at least 14 inches high and staggered at least 12 inches apart. Anyone using your pathway should be able to see the definition and decipher the concrete from your landscape, whether you’re using soft white light or warm yellow light.

Custom Landscape Lighting to Elevate Your Baltimore Outdoor Space

Transform your outdoor living space with custom landscape lighting from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore. Our team of experts can design and install a personalized lighting plan to highlight the beauty of your property and create a welcoming atmosphere for your guests. Whether you want to illuminate your garden, patio, or pool area, we have the perfect lighting solutions to enhance your outdoor experience.

Benefits of custom landscape lighting include:

  • Increased curb appeal
  • Extended outdoor living hours
  • Added safety and security
  • Highlighting architectural features
  • Creating a warm and inviting ambiance

Book Your Virtual Consultation for Baltimore Landscape Lighting or call (410) 346-9443 to get started.

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Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

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