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Baltimore Landscape Lighting

Your local outdoor Landscape lighting experts

When you work with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore, you will get the best Baltimore, MD residential landscape lighting designs, the highest quality fixtures, the most professional installation, extraordinary customer service and the best guarantees in the industry. We stand behind our work and will do what it takes to give every client the outdoor lighting design of their dreams. Whether you're looking for trendy string light installation near you, or need a full, custom landscape lighting design, our Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore can help!

Give us a call at (410) 346-9443 or contact us online to learn more about our landscape lighting services in Baltimore!

Water feature with specialty landscape lighting

How to Choose Landscape Lighting

Are you looking to add beautiful accent light to a particular section of their garden? Or looking to add illumination to allow for walking through the garden during the evening hours? It truly begins with the homeowners’ goals and objectives with their outdoor landscape lighting

Some common types of landscape lighting fixtures and Ideas

Flowerbed with lighting

How Landscape Lighting is Installed

After carefully taking the homeowner’s goals into account, we begin the design process. We approach each installation knowing that it will be unlike any other installation we have performed. Knowing this takes years of experience and years of training. Although many different fixtures and techniques can light a particular area, a good lighting designer will match the fixture, the area being illuminated, and your goals to create the perfect custom design.

Anytime of the year is a great time to consider garden lighting, but especially during the blooming season. Through the implementation of appropriately placed lighting fixtures, your garden will look beautiful in the evening. In certain cases, lighting can be used to accent specific plants or designated areas within a garden creating a beautiful focal point. Garden lighting in Baltimore MD is one of our many specialties. Don’t allow your garden to disappear once the sun goes down, let us illuminate your beautiful garden long into the evening.


The short answer is, it can be. When deciding on outdoor lighting for your home, it is important to consider all aspects of the investment. You want something that will not only look good but also increase its value and safety as well! Professional landscape designers can help you decide what type or how much light would work best with both aesthetics in mind while considering durability considerations too - which means less headaches down the line when planning changes happen again (like if someone gets married). The average cost range should include installation plus any material costs needed such a LED Strips ($60-$80 per linear foot), incandescent Pathway & Deck lights ($200+); longer lasting designs are more expensive than their cheaper counterparts.

About Our Outdoor Landscape Lighting Fixtures

Baltimore with garden lighting

Our fixtures are installed by well-trained professionals. When we install the fixtures, we use a long threaded stake to give your fixture stability. In addition, we make certain to place the fixtures in areas where they will be very subtle. The fixtures are not painted so no paint will chip off. They are made of solid metal instead of hollow aluminum or another lower quality aluminum or vinyl. They stand the test of time physically and aesthetically and actually gain a gorgeous patina the more they age.

Why Choose Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore?

For more than 15 years, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Baltimore has been designing, installing and servicing Baltimore’s finest garden lighting. We serve the entire Baltimore, Maryland market and create a custom lighting design for each of our customers. A custom design all begins with our customers’ goals in mind, first and foremost. We also offer:

  • Free design consultation
  • Free nighttime demonstration
  • Optional annual maintenance plans (AMPs)
  • Post-installation adjustments
  • Unbeatable customer service!

In addition to serving Baltimore residents and commercial businesses, we also offer outdoor and landscape lighting in surrounding areas. Check out our Service Areas page for more info!

Looking for garden lights near you? Dial (410) 346-9443 or contact us online today to learn more about our Baltimore landscape lighting solutions!

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